Qcity Transit wishes to advise of upcoming changes to school bus services in the mornings that are due to commence on Monday 25th October 2021:
S125 and S204 (Queanbeyan Interchange to St Edmund’s and St Clare’s College) will depart the Queanbeyan Interchange at 8:20am, 10 minutes earlier than the previous time of 8:30am.
S204 will take students to Telopea Park School and Forrest Primary. Telopea Park and Forrest Primary students who previously caught S122 will need to catch the S204 departing the Queanbeyan Interchange at 8:20am.
S133 from Jerrabomberra to Merici College will depart North Terrace at 7:27am, 8 minutes earlier than the previous departure time. This service will also take students from the Jerrabomberra area to Campbell High School and St Thomas More’s Primary. Students from Campbell High and St Thomas More’s who previously caught S167 in the mornings will now need to catch the revised S133 school service.
S206 from Queanbeyan Interchange to Merici College, Campbell High School and Dickson College has been removed for the network schedule due to significant underuse. Merici College students can catch the S197 departing the Queanbeyan Interchange at 8:20am; Campbell High school students can catch the S174 departing the Queanbeyan Interchange at 8:20am; and Dickson College students can catch the S140 departing the Queanbeyan Interchange at 8:10am.
If you require any additional information regarding these changes, please don’t hesitate to contact our SSTS team on 6299 3722.